Georgia Fort

Brand Strategy | Brand Identity
Project Overview
Georgia Fort, an independent reporter renowned for amplifying stories from urban communities, faced a unique challenge. Her previous brand felt somewhat feminine and lighthearted, which didn't consistently align with the diverse and impactful stories she covered.
Our Solution
Our strategy for the Georgia Fort rebrand was to create an identity that embraced cultural depth while maintaining a professional tone. We struck the delicate balance of infusing her brand with elements of femininity that authentically reflected Georgia's identity and her vital role in the community. The result was a brand that resonated powerfully with her audience and the stories she passionately covered.

Here's The Truth with Georgia Fort

Brand Identity | Campaign Design
Project Overview
Georgia Fort was launching a groundbreaking show, "Here's the Truth," on the CW Twin Cities network. The show's mission was to shine a light on stories from underrepresented communities, rarely heard in mainstream news. The challenge was to leverage Georgia Fort's new brand identity to establish a seamless and influential connection with her new show, "Here's the Truth with Georgia Fort."
Our Solution
Our strategy for the show's branding revolved around maintaining a cohesive identity with Georgia Fort's established brand. We crafted a brand that embraced cultural diversity while upholding a professional demeanor. To achieve this synergy, we carried over typographic treatments and incorporated select colors from the Georgia Fort color palette. This strategic alignment ensured that "Here's the Truth with Georgia Fort" stood as a natural extension of her identity, connecting with audiences authentically and effectively.
Closing Notes
Through a thoughtfully designed brand strategy, we seamlessly wove the essence of Georgia Fort's dynamic persona into both her personal brand and the groundbreaking TV show, "Here's the Truth." This strategic approach ensured that the show not only echoed her mission to amplify underrepresented stories but also maintained a professional and culturally resonant identity. By leveraging consistent typographic elements and select colors from her brand palette, we created a powerful, unified presence that authentically connected with audiences, fostering lasting impact and understanding in our communities.
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Our expertise lies in creative direction, brand strategy, design, and brand identity – all meticulously crafted to foster loyalty and eager enjoyment among consumers. Our team consists of passionate risk-takers who relish the challenge of uncovering better solutions to amplify your business and address the unique needs of your consumers. We're excited to hear from you and explore how we can bring your brand's vision to life.

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